Monday 1 April 2013

Does God Heal Today?

Healing?? Yes. Simply put, God says, “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).
Since healing is a supernatural phenomenon and works against scientific method, it is difficult for many to believe that healing is real. Healing, however, is prominent in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament. In Matthew 4, “Jesus went all about Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.” Jesus didn’t just heal a few people who were blind or lame, but He healed people that had all sorts of illnesses! God created you – from the colour of your hair to the specific cells and genes in your body – so don’t you think He can heal your body of whatever the issue is?? 

So yes, Jesus healed. What’s even more amazing to me, however, is that Jesus gave regular folk, like you and I, the commission and authority to do the same. Now for some, healing may not necessarily be your spiritual gift, but with the Spirit we can all at least pray for healing. Some people will receive words of knowledge via pictures, sympathy pain, impressions, or words for specific healings, while other times there is little voice from the Spirit. Whatever the case, we should fully pursue God’s healing power. I encourage you to pray someone (a friend, family member, stranger, yourself) who is in need a healing and pray with them:
  • Ask them what they would like healing of.
  • Pray in the name of Jesus for the Spirit and healing.
  • Reassure them of God’s love, whether or note they were healed.
  • Persist in prayer. No matter the outcome Jesus commanded it, independent of the success rate.

Now at this time, as we live between this age and the age to come, not everyone will be healed. Sometimes we wonder why God heals some people but not others, and ultimately, God knows. He has His purpose and we just need to trust Him. However, healing today is a sign of what is to come, a taste of the future age where everyone in Christ will be completely healed. How amazing is it that God gives us a little glimpse of heaven on earth! 

Alpha Challenge:
  1. Continue to pray for our Alpha family. There are many physical, emotional, and spiritual healings that need to take place. (See the prayer request list in the circulating Alpha email).
  2. Fully believe and pursue God’s healing power. Even having faith small as a mustard seed can move mountains. 

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