Monday 11 February 2013

How Can We Have Faith?

A common misconception is that believing in God makes you a Christian. Just believing that God exists, however, is not enough. A Christians is one who follows Christ, one who has "become a child of God" (John 1:12).

Ultimately, faith (believing in things not yet seen) rests on 3 pillars. I like to think of it as this:

1. The Word of God
  • Trusting God's promises (unchanging and guaranteed) vs. Trusting our feelings (changeable and perhaps deceiving)
  • God says: "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in..." (Revelations 3:20)
  • The promise of eternal life when you have faith in Him
2. The Work of Jesus
  • God's forgiveness and salvation cannot be earned.
  • God's gift is free, but it's not cheap: it cost Him His life.
  • His sacrifice proves His love for us - free to receive it (John 3:16)
3. The Witness of the Spirit
  • When someone becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us
  • He transforms us - our characteristics and relationships as we become more loving, patient, kind, etc
  • He also convicts us and assures us that we belong to God

In our discussion on faith, we came to agree that the characteristics of our relationships with people are the same as with God - there is (or at least should be) love, companionship, committment, honesty. Our relationship with other people reflects our relationship with God. Where are you at? Do you notice qualities of love, patience, committment in your relationships?

Basing faith on the promises of God makes one's faith more stable than when it is based on our feelings. It is much more difficult to have strong faith when you are going through tough times. Our situations in life change, but the promises of God are just that, promises.Faith is trusting (and knowing) that God's got your back!

So when we base our faith on the promises of God and on the witness of the Spirit, is it arrogant for people to say they are sure they are going to heaven? Our discussion on this question led to the idea that thinking you are good enough (comparing yourself to others) will get you into heaven. But is that really true? A study shows that 90% of Americans think they are going to heaven while 9% are unsure. 90%! That's quite a high percentage, so are they being arrogant? Maybe it is more ignorance. Or a postmodern perspective of religious pluralism and relativism, the idea that many roads lead to God. As a group, we mentioned that trying to be "good enough" or trying to buy youself into heaven can't save you. Just remember what God says: He loves you; He is knocking at your heart waiting for you to open the door. It's free.


  1. My last comment didn't show up :( Either way, this is awesome!!!! :)

    1. For some reason, the mobile version of the site doesn't seem to like my comments either, but hopefully it functions well. Pros and cons of technology eh ;)
